• BCCI assists the development and upgrading of existing and starting businesses. 
  • BCCI provides training, technology transfer, product development, and marketing of products.  
  • BCCI also organizes trade fairs, investments and study missions locally and in foreign countries.  
  • BCCI offers services for the preparation of promotional collateral materials and hand-outs on local products for dissemination to local and foreign buyers and institutions, as needed. 
  • BCCI provides a forum for government agencies, chamber members and business delegations to exchange views and discuss business matters.  

BCCI provides the entrepreneurial skills and confidence to our local businessmen. Trainings and seminars are undertaken and foreign study tours are organized to provide innovative ideas for improving their businesses.


BCCI receives trade, business and research inquiries from government agencies, institutions, local companies and even international which are either looking for suppliers, buyers or business tie-ups. BCCI matches these inquiries and refers to chamber members’ counterparts for possible trade partnership.